Why should you choose your General Contractor when you choose your Architect?

The Team

When a team is established early in the planning process, cooperation replaces competition and brainstorming replaces grand-standing. Ideas can be debated freely and potential problems are often detected and solved earlier.

The General Contractor

Often, as in the case of Brightleaf’s Bernie, Cory and Shane Malloy, the contractor has many years of field experience in all phases of a construction project. This practical knowledge can prove invaluable in the design process. The general contractor often approaches your project by looking at the bigger picture.  His view encompasses all the aspects of your home planning; including site work, construction, time-lines, cost analysis and containment, coordinating changes, communication, client comfort and satisfaction.

Savings and Cost Control

The contractor works on obtaining a cost analysis on various building sections as they become available early in the design process. This allows both the owner and architect to test ideas for price feasibility, without the potential expenses of a re-design after a plan has been fully developed and gone out to bid. The contractor is on hand to continuously monitor the budget and work with the architect on materials integration and building methods.

Time Savings

Having a fluid transition between the design and estimating process saves time. The contractor has well developed relationships with many trade contractors, and therefore can bring them in to review preliminary drawings and to prepare shop drawings to aid the architect in completing the blueprints.